Flexible Plans — from a single space to enterprise pace

on request
Digitalize space management for a maximum of 2 spaces and accept online payments.
Free Trial
Included in this plan
[[aangevinkte features komen hier]]
on request
Improve your operations with financial integrations and optional access control.
Free Trial
Included in this plan
[[aangevinkte features komen hier]]
on request
Advanced tools and seamless integrations for single venue management.
Free trial
Included in this plan
[[aangevinkte features komen hier]]
Multi Location Start
on request
Expanding your operations with a second or third venue? Start with Multi Location now!
Free Trial
Included in this plan
[[aangevinkte features komen hier]]
Multi Location
on request
Robust solutions for managing multiple venues. Offering management information.
Free Trial
Included in this plan
[[aangevinkte features komen hier]]
on request
Venue management for 100+ locations. We’re happy to visit for a free consultation.
Contact Sales
Included in this plan
[[aangevinkte features komen hier]]
on request
Digitalize space management for a maximum of 2 spaces and accept online payments.
Free Trial
Included in this plan
[[aangevinkte features komen hier]]
on request
Improve your operations with financial integrations and optional access control.
Free Trial
Included in this plan
[[aangevinkte features komen hier]]
on request
Advanced tools and seamless integrations for single venue management.
Free trial
Included in this plan
[[aangevinkte features komen hier]]
Multi Location Start
on request
Expanding your operations with a second or third venue? Start with Multi Location now!
Free Trial
Included in this plan
[[aangevinkte features komen hier]]
Multi Location
on request
Robust solutions for managing multiple venues. Offering management information.
Free Trial
Included in this plan
[[aangevinkte features komen hier]]
on request
Venue management for 100+ locations. We’re happy to visit for a free consultation.
Contact Sales
Included in this plan
[[aangevinkte features komen hier]]
Additional spaces €10,-
All features
Payments integration
Accounting software integration
E-mail support
Phone support
Custom email sending domain
Single sign-on integrations
Additional spaces €10,-
All features
Payments integration
Accounting software integration
E-mail support
Phone support
Custom email sending domain
Single sign-on integrations
Trusted by 2.000+ locations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you also provide support?

With our "standard" subscription, you will receive email support, and with our "multi-location" subscription, we even offer telephone support. On top of that, we offer a comprehensive manual that can be accessed through the system.

What is a rental object?

A rental object can be, for example, a sports hall, a gym, a meeting room, a banquet hall, or any other rentable space. This object becomes visible in the weekly overview of the planning system. Users can reserve a rental object online through the rental system.

What is a user?

A user is the tenant of your accommodation. When a reservation is made, a user is added to the system. This user can then log in and view their own reservations.

What is an admin?

An admin has full access to the management system. This could be a treasurer, facilities manager, or accommodation manager, for example. It is possible to assign different rights to admins, such as read-only rights or full rights.

What is a booking?

A booking is a reservation made by a user or by an administrator. If an administrator creates a recurring booking for, let's say, 10 weeks, it is considered as 10 bookings. Administrators can modify, cancel, delete, or invoice bookings.

What is an invoice?

An invoice is a statement of charges for the reservations per user. This can be on a monthly or a per-reservation basis. An invoice is sent digitally via email in PDF format.

What is the planning system?

You can read all about the planning system of Aqqo.com here.

What is the invoicing system?

You can read everything about our invoicing system here. The invoicing system is fully integrated with the planning. Our system offers a 100% invoicing guarantee. Our system always provides a notification when not all bookings have been invoiced!

What is the reservation system?

Through the reservation system, tenants can reserve a rental object directly. Read everything about the online reservation system of Aqqo.com here.

Aqqo App Ecosystem

Explore Aqqo's app ecosystem, enhancing your venue management with a suite of integrations, from invoicing to access control.
Naadloze synchronisatie van klanten en lidmaatschappen
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Hotel PMS
Synchronize Hotel Folio's
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Business Intelligence
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Membership administration
Check the status of memberships trough our integrations
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Progress Tracking System
Keep the occupation of spaces and swimming pools in sync
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Building Management System
Heating and light plan, based on your bookings
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Access Control
Grant access to your venues, remotely
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<svg width=" 100%" height=" 100%" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_7_20)"> <path d="M16 2.5C16 3.0625 15.5531 3.58125 14.8 4C13.8906 4.50313 12.5344 4.85937 10.9781 4.96562C10.8625 4.90937 10.7469 4.85625 10.625 4.80937C9.39375 4.29375 7.75625 4 6 4C5.74062 4 5.4875 4.00625 5.23438 4.01875L5.2 4C4.44687 3.58125 4 3.0625 4 2.5C4 1.11875 6.6875 0 10 0C13.3125 0 16 1.11875 16 2.5ZM5.02187 5.03438C5.34062 5.0125 5.66875 5 6 5C7.94375 5 9.66875 5.38437 10.7656 5.98125C11.5406 6.40312 12 6.92813 12 7.5C12 7.625 11.9781 7.74687 11.9344 7.86562C11.7906 8.27812 11.4031 8.65625 10.8406 8.975C10.8375 8.97813 10.8313 8.97812 10.8281 8.98125C10.8187 8.9875 10.8094 8.99062 10.8 8.99687C9.70625 9.60312 7.9625 9.99687 6 9.99687C4.1375 9.99687 2.47187 9.64375 1.36875 9.0875C1.30937 9.05937 1.25312 9.02812 1.19687 8.99687C0.446875 8.58125 0 8.0625 0 7.5C0 6.4125 1.66875 5.48438 4 5.14375C4.32812 5.09688 4.66875 5.05938 5.02187 5.03438ZM13 7.5C13 6.81563 12.6687 6.25313 12.2469 5.83125C13.1312 5.69375 13.9406 5.475 14.6281 5.19063C15.1375 4.97813 15.6125 4.71563 16 4.39375V5.5C16 6.10312 15.4844 6.65937 14.6313 7.09062C14.175 7.32187 13.6187 7.51875 12.9937 7.66875C12.9969 7.6125 13 7.55938 13 7.50313V7.5ZM12 10.5C12 11.0625 11.5531 11.5813 10.8 12C10.7438 12.0312 10.6875 12.0594 10.6281 12.0906C9.52813 12.6469 7.8625 13 6 13C4.0375 13 2.29375 12.6062 1.2 12C0.446875 11.5813 0 11.0625 0 10.5V9.39375C0.390625 9.71563 0.8625 9.97813 1.37188 10.1906C2.60625 10.7063 4.24375 11 6 11C7.75625 11 9.39375 10.7063 10.6281 10.1906C10.8719 10.0906 11.1063 9.975 11.3281 9.85C11.5187 9.74375 11.6969 9.625 11.8656 9.5C11.9125 9.46562 11.9563 9.42813 12 9.39375V9.5V9.67813V10.5ZM13 10.5V9.5V8.69063C13.5938 8.55938 14.1406 8.39375 14.6281 8.19063C15.1375 7.97813 15.6125 7.71563 16 7.39375V8.5C16 8.82812 15.8438 9.15625 15.5344 9.46562C15.025 9.975 14.1281 10.3937 12.9937 10.6656C12.9969 10.6125 13 10.5562 13 10.5ZM6 14C7.75625 14 9.39375 13.7063 10.6281 13.1906C11.1375 12.9781 11.6125 12.7156 12 12.3938V13.5C12 14.8813 9.3125 16 6 16C2.6875 16 0 14.8813 0 13.5V12.3938C0.390625 12.7156 0.8625 12.9781 1.37188 13.1906C2.60625 13.7063 4.24375 14 6 14Z" fill="currentColor"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_7_20"> <rect width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>
Accounting software
Synchronize debtors, invoices and payments
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Payment Service Provider
Accept swift and seamless payments through Aqqo Payments integrations
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Point of Sale
Integrates with your POS to synchronize financial data and orders
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Get started with Aqqo today!